NeoPets RefDesk Booktastic Book List

Monday, April 25, 2005

Welcome to the Neopets Booktastic Book List page, provided by NeoPets RefDesk.

Is your pet trying to get into the running for the Booktastic Book Club?

As of the above date, there are currently 51 books.

You can view the Neopian Book Award List HERE.

For your convienience, on the right of the page, I have added links to the Book Shop, Faerie Book Shop, Sutek's Scrolls, Booktastic Books and my shop, ~DesireS~, where I sell alot of books at very reasonable prices.


April 20:
105 Lava Cake Recipes
Advanced Kreludan Physics
Alien Aisha Invasion
Attack On Kreludor
Back In Peaceful Times
Beam Me Aboard
Beyond Neopia
Collecting Moon Rock
Constellation Spotting
Creatures From Afar
Defend Yourself
Defending Your Neohome
Do The Moon Bounce
Galactic Adventures
Galactic Adventrues II
How Purples Got Their Spots
Interplanetary Communications
It Came From Krelador
Know Your Robot Petpet
Kreludan Bed Time Stories
Kreludan Christmas Carols
Kreludan Cookie Book
Kreludan Cookie Cookbook
Kreludan Crosswords
Kreludan Encylopedia
Kreludan Engineering
Kreludan Facts
Kreludan Fashion
Kreludan Games
Kreludan Home Decorating
Kreludan Physics
Kreludan Poems
Kreludan Recipes
Kreludan Sundaes
Kreludor Versus Neopia
Learning Kreludan
Mathematics In Space
Moon Missions
Moon Rock Formations
Orange Central History
Orange Grundo Survival Handbook
Oranges Are Better
Practical Repairs
Repairing Your Ship
Scenic Kreludan Views
The Green Grundo Invasion
The Kreludan Flag
The Threat Outside
Traversing The Moon
Victory Is Ours
Wishing On A Star